Wednesday, November 10, 2004

IFC Concert 2004; MCIJ; FLOC OEC

  • It was the best IFC Concert Nancy and I have attended. With youth choirs and dancers and chant is had an enthusiasm and vibrancy that I don't remember as vividly from past events. The elaxer of the massed choirs did an excellent job and the pieces they sang were appropriate and worked well - a Duke Ellington piece opened the concert, an African chant arrangement closed it.
  • I went up to MCIJ in the early afternoon and met with several inmates for Touchstones planning. They are working hard to keep it going. They are having trouble getting enough discussion time in for the students, as the teacher, Miss Lagorio, seems to take up the largest amount of time by talking herself. Dave indicated he would speak to her about this. Mike Boyer has rejoined the group and wants to participate in planning and leading discussions. TDP needs to provide a training session either on Nov. 16 or 23. A portable microphone is still needed for RUF.
  • Nancy and I drove into DC after I returned from MCIJ so that I could attend a FLOC OEC board meeting. Budgeting took most of our time - it looks to be in good shape for the next year or so. Our second discussion had to do with the progress of the new exec. dir., Rich ____ and how to shore him up to ensure greater success. We decided to give Nancy Van Scoyoc and Fred Taylor authority to work with him over the next four months to improve marketing and communication both in the community in West Virginia were the facility is located as well as in the Metro area. We decided that we need to begin to meet monthly as a board, at least for the next several months, to monitor the situation and provide support and correction as needed.


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