Saturday, June 04, 2005

Friday dinner, other developments

  • Fresh sushi quality yellowfin steaks seared and sliced with ginger garlic sauce - per Pat Wells Bistro Cooking and Pleasures of the Viedtnamese Table of Mai Pham.
  • Pommes de terre Savonette again, this time with organic russet potatoes more uniformly shaped - some cooked too long in water and were breaking up but still wonderful flavor, texture, the crisp skin on the soft potatoes
  • Stir fried veggies - thai eggplants sliced and stir-fried with some left-over mixed greens, with soy sauce, hot sauce, mirin,
  • lovely tossed salad with salad greens, spring onions, vinaigrete ala Jacques Pepin
  • Nice bottle of merlot

- Good meeting at MCIJ: got list of inmates for next Thu evening discussion
- Met Dr. Peters, Annapolis Gastro Assoc. who will perform endoscopy on me this Thu afternoon or earlier in the week if a cancellation occurs.
- firmed up plans after speaking to Chuch Weikel for discussion group on city planning for Annapolis
- Working with several lenders on refinancing real estate
- Monitoring investments


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