Sunday, May 15, 2005

Karl; Pentecost; Melissa Cook Wedding, Sunday dinner

And Karl called this morning, with information about Witte's visit, etc. I need to contact Moog at USNA for possible talk either there or at St. John's. Also, contact SJC about a possible talk in Great Hall or some other low-key venue for interested persons. Finally, I need to send him our approved and sealed itinerary for travel to Paris, so that he can have Angel complete our hotel requirements.

Today was the feast of Pentecost, the Whitsunday of my childhood. It was a high feast day at St. Mark's today, with an extra musician, a gifted trumpeter. There were three baptisms, including the child of a gay couple. And Paul preached a dynamite sermon on what would be sufficient per the Johannine gospel for the day. Afterwards we attended the Pub Lunch honoring Dorothea Hahn's (?) time with us, her departure soon, her graduation from VTS next week, and her ordination to the diaconate a week ago yesterday, Saturday. Also honored new members of St. Mark's, someone's birthday, and other assorted honorings.

After, we came back to Annapolis and then went to the open house at Don and Hollis Lamb-Minor at 107 Northwest St. Saw Phoebe there, whom I must contact. Then, back home, Mike Cahall and Charlie Boyle showed up to work respectively on their boats. Charley and I came up with a scheme to get Ruly Know down to the boat by the end of this week, perhaps out next week to watch the Blue Angels fighter aircraft precision flying team perform next week for the Naval Academy graduation.

We went to Melissa's wedding yesterday. It was held at the ____-____ Mansion on Enterprise Road in PG County. It was quite wonderful. Food at luncheon and cakes were outstanding.

We did not eat dinner last night after the good meal in the afternoon. I ate popcorn instead.

Tonight I made the eggplant with tofu, dried tomatoes, zucchini, and red peppers from the Grace Young Breath of a Wok. Again, simple preparation, very tasty. A little elaborate, though, on the ingredient side for the average cook. Along with, we had leftover greens from a few nights ago, served at room temperature with a vinaigrette.