Saturday, November 25, 2006

2.0 Another version, using also a list:
  1. Now that's a list
  2. And this is an item in the list
  3. and this is an indent to start another list in the list
    1. call MKL for birthday greeting
  4. ending
  5. end
  6. ended
Or would this be a better editor to create blog?

  1. Create & save to-do list
  2. get Florence apt.
    1. call Oregon again
    2. contact Linda via Rick or direct
  3. do 30 min. yoga minimum
  4. shower & hairwash
  5. get BMW inspection ASAP
  6. upgrade Mac by noon
    1. more RAM
      1. select vendor
      2. order 512 MB card to replace 128 MB card
    2. bigger HD
      1. ID method to reuse original 30 GB
        1. select vendor for drive enclosure, drive
        2. order 80-120 GB drive
        3. order drive enclosure
        4. remove drive and place in enclosure which can get power from adapter, USB, or FireWire port


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